My research base is about Blended Learning with Station Rotation. This is an excerpt from my readings. This project aims to help Bilingual elementary grades who do not achieve the needed goals and are behind for different circumstances; however, this can be used to benefit all class students. According to (Macaruso et al., 2020), "research is required to address the possible benefits of blended learning as a form of reading instruction in elementary schools. Blended learning combines teacher-led instruction with digital technology. Most recently, the research from (2022) presented blended learning models, which are helpful to model and design a blended learning classroom using one or mixed models of seven, when I started teaching the empirical way, I begin using centers in my classes, but after with practice observation classes can recognize the great utility to use Blended Learning with Station Rotation. The last academic year 2020 - 2021 my classes were face to face in the morning which used Blended Learning with Station Rotation and at the afternoon virtual class in zoom while students were through the app, I can use break out rooms to evaluate or to receive support, also, I used Blended Learning with flipped model sending to my students' videos and guides or practices in CANVAS or Google docs.

The data collection will indicate the student's growth in comprehension and fluency. It is important to note that to grow students, they need to use visual aids combined with cognates and frequency words; observation, and objective assessment are beneficial for bilingual students struggling to become fluent readers. The results supported the effectiveness of flipped classrooms on blended learning. Regarding using the platform of the Learning A-Z student portal, online and mobile access is provided to interactive learning tools and resources such as digital annotation and recording tools and built-in rewards and incentives that motivate students to practice.
Additionally, students preferred receiving instruction combined with other reading activities to self-contained sessions. We address the implications for practice and suggestions for the direction of future research. Finally, the research (Kundu, 2021) concludes that the blended learning model increased students' academic performance in primary classrooms when teachers supported the necessary policies and competencies. Overall, time spent on blended learning positively affected children's performance, regardless of gender. These effects emerged over ten weeks even in a school with poor technology infrastructure and unprepared but willing teachers.
As suggested by Cummins, bilingual children need a unique form of learning tailored to their needs. Therefore, the implementation of this program will be developed in several stages so that they, due to their age, find the blended learning system fun and learn to perform by themselves. In addition, at the beginning of the school year, the students have regressed a bit due to summer break. (Wallace, 2018) Regarding using the platform of the Learning A-Z student portal, online and mobile access is provided to interactive learning tools and resources such as digital annotation and recording tools and built-in rewards and incentives that motivate students to practice. According to new research (M.W., 2020), the proposed objective and the results indicated that all students achieved significant growth in their phonemic performance and maintained the intervention's progress for five weeks after the intervention.
Elena, F. (2016, June 1). Directory of Open Access Journals. Retrieved 2022, from
Flipped Classroom Model: Why, How, and Overview. (2017, June 20). Retrieved 2022, from
Kundu, A. (2021, May 31). ERIC - EJ1290952 - Time to Achieve: Implementing Blended Learning Routines in an Indian Elementary Classroom, Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 2021-Jun. Retrieved 2022, from
Macaruso, P. (2020, June 21). An investigation of blended learning to support reading instruction in elementary schools. Retrieved 2022, from
Ok, M. W. (2020, November 30). ERIC - EJ1285998 - Effects of Video Modeling Using an Augmented Reality iPad Application on Phonics Performance of Students Who Struggle with Reading, Reading & Writing Quarterly, 2021. Retrieved 2022, from
Blended Learning Universe. Retrieved February 2022, from
