Nelly Roldan & Claudia Rios
DLL – Lamar University
EDLD 5304
Dr. Dwayne Harapnuik
October 10, 2021

The 4DX model tends to be one of the main parts of progress: it is so hard to accomplish objectives when we have such countless different things to stress over. It encourages how to address the "whirlwind" of life and still achieve the goals without losing center. In schools, we are accustomed to the daily schedule, implementation of the educational program, guidance, contributions, and regulatory procedures, all while we adhere to institutional and state regulations, that we lose the center around the higher perspective of the "why" of to teach. Being absorbed in the "whirlwind" of the daily chores of our jobs implies that we cannot easily make the simple objectives of our expert jobs progress and where the systems of advancement in our instruction and learning are not running. The 4 disciplines of execution, created by (McChesney, Covey, & Huling, 2021) are completed as exact systems to interpret the procedure directly at all levels of an association. The 4DX model helps us to stay away from the interruptions of the institutional whirlwind that surrounds us and to emphasize the execution of a development plan in our traditional environment.
Discipline 1. Focus on the wildly important. In the first meeting, we will focus on wildly the WIG to the bilingual teachers, motivating them to become part of it; for this reason, we will organize a starting point for grades teams will make up, from kinder to fifth grade. The proposal consists of implementing blended learning in language arts classes using flipping rotations in which at least two of these stations must implement activities using certain apps or programs on the web. This type of implementation will occur throughout the school year.
As a team, we will discuss the viability of the proposed WIG and, according to the data collected, the plan will have the necessary adjustments determined. Initially, this blended learning environment is intended to help students who are falling behind in their goals and require a system and time appropriate to their needs; however, its plan can be implemented for any learner and any learning area. We will need the continuous support of our bilingual support department to guarantee access to the different apps and programs available in the two necessary languages. The WIG I propose will allow students to learn more effectively inside or outside the classroom.
Discipline 2. Act on the Lead Measures. Our team will need to establish lag and lead measures to meet our WIG throughout the school year. Which will have been presented to the work team since our first meeting, the following lag and lead measures:
Lag Measure - implement blended learning in at least two flipped rotation stations using apps and programs chosen during the school year.
Lead Measure: Use rotation station activities for at least one hour daily in the different language arts classes. As we achieve the goals of our lead measure, the team will discuss and reach a consensus on incremental changes to increase the use of station rotation activities. Because each teacher in our department experiences their incredible whirlwind, we will discuss proposed lag, lead measures, and adjust them, as necessary.
Discipline 3. Keep a Compelling Scoreboard. Each week there will be a review of the WIG plan; in addition, each of the teachers participating in the plan will determine a commitment for the following week. For example, a teacher may commit to implementing a station rotation model that focuses on pronunciation and vocalization in both languages (English - Spanish). Teachers must keep an online record in the table designed for such; This will mark the days that they use the application and the time spent in this application or app using the blended learning system. Now that we have determined our WIG and the lag and lead measures, we must motivate each of the participants in the plan to stay active, focused, and motivated, so we will determine some incentives for each teacher who reaches the weekly goal of one daily hour using technology using the different apps or programs this will be part of our WIG. However, it will be modified weekly or as required according to the other circumstances that arise. The scoreboard should be simple so that we can see at a glance which team is reaching the goal "winning" or "losing." This scoreboard should be updated and then revised every week during our WIG meeting.
Each week, we will ask a teacher to commit to reminding teachers to record their progress. (This responsibility will rotate each week) the teacher in charge will also email a bar graph (example below) of the week's report by teacher and totals.
Discipline 4. Create a Cadence of Accountability. Considering the daily responsibilities that teachers have, it is crucial not to lose the WIG, so once a week during planning time, we will dedicate ten minutes for the sole purpose of addressing our WIG, delays, and anticipation measures. During this meeting, we will complete the following tasks:
Review the score from the previous week.
Report on the success of our engagements of the prior week.
Award the incentive that has been determined for the winning team of the week.
Deliver the stimulus' group that has been determined for the winning team of the week.
Make commitments for the following week.
Appoint the person in charge of the email and graphics for the next week.
Models. The models are not only the top performers but the most engaged.
Five stages of change

Stage 1: Getting Clear.
In the first stage, team members and leaders all agree upon WIGs and commit to a weekly accountability meeting. We work towards our wildly essential goals all year long. At our first meeting, we will examine the reason for the mixed learning drive and its advantages for our understudies. I will propose to my primer WIG, postponement, and authority measures to the group, and we will make acclimations to the WIG and initiative measure as essential to fabricate agreement and purchase.
It will be imperative to examine the role of each instructor and the responsibilities that everyone will accept in the 4DX cycle. Educators will need to focus on going to WIG groups week after week, recording their progress on the group-created scoreboard, and requesting help to make space on a case-by-case basis. Also, I will emphasize the role of responsibility. If we do not fulfill our weekly assignments despite this, we will collectively deny our students a learning experience that will enhance their language skills and the possibility of being more qualified to face the lives of students today.
The WIG implementing blended learning in language Arts classes using Flipping Rotations in which at least two of these stations must implement activities using certain apps or programs on the web. This implementation will occur throughout the school year.
Key Actions:
We are showing the focus model on the WIG by implementing blended learning in all our classes, openly discussing, and collaborating with colleagues about the WIG.
Identify and explain the following Lead Measure: Use rotation station activities for at least one hour daily in the different language arts classes. As we achieve the goals of our lead measure, the team will discuss and reach a consensus on incremental changes to increase the use of station rotation activities.
We will make the player scoreboard visible to all bilingual department members and show the measure of lag and lead measures of progress. It will also document which teachers are implementing and using technology in their classes, how often, in which types and apps their students are using.
Each week there will be a review of the WIG plan; in addition, each of the teachers participating in the plan will determine a commitment for the following week.


Key Actions:
Be sure the lead is properly implemented for all the bilingual teachers know about the functioning of the apps and different software.
During the weekly meetings, we might remind the teachers to stay focused and implement the plan with the highest quality in the shortest time.
Based on the weekly data, we can identify the model teachers will be committed to and show enthusiasm to learn and implement the proposals. Then, when we find the resisters, we will apply, do not get between the triangle, keeping the emotional immune system without contamination. Finally, for the potentials, we need to encourage them to get into the program plan.
Key Actions:
Be a model of focus on the WIG.
Schedule and focus WIG sessions at least weekly.
Identify the importance and show of high-leverage lead measures.
Maintain teachers as players’ scoreboards.

Stage 2: Launch.
Lead Measure Use station rotation activities for at least one hour daily in the different language arts classes. As we achieve the goals of our lead measure, the team will discuss and reach a consensus on incremental changes to increase the use of station rotation activities to create significant learning environments (CSLE) (Dwayne Harapnuik, Tilisa Thibodeaux & Cynthia Cummings, 2018) which will keep update with the functioning of the apps and different software as Learning A-Z, MyOn, Learning Ally, Seesaw and Canvas; then, weekly meetings and identify according to with (“Friedman’s theory of differentiated leadership made simple,” 2010) model, resisters, and potentials teachers. We are at the precise moment for the team and the leader to celebrate the plan's launch. Schedule a team meeting to present all the plans and give information on how it will work, with specific activities to develop and motivate them to become winners or losers. Such as a way that team members are engaged with the idea and motivate them to be focused on getting the goal.
The day before classes begin, we will meet in the teacher's room to share coffee and donuts; we will do a brief review to help focus and motivate the department to consistently adapt and integrate blended learning into the lesson plans.
Stage 3: Adoption.
After each week and during WIG meetings will proceed all through the execution interaction. As teachers report on their advancement every week, they will share the stations that were especially fruitful. As teachers struggle to set up their blended learning stations, colleagues will have the choices to bring to the table and go to coaching meetings to encourage their innovation abilities. These meetings will be necessary for the professional advancement presented by our school area.
Members of the bilingual team begin to use blended learning in lesson plans designed for their classes. During the weekly WIG meeting, the people in charge share how they performed in the previous week's commitments, performed will do it on a marker (calendar), and they share what they plan for the following week, including ways to improve the score. This WIG (“WIGs lag & lead measures,” 2019) meeting helps accountability and provides an opportunity for increased focus and performance towards achieving the WIG, despite the daily demands of the whirlwind. It also offers the chance to determine which teachers may need additional training or support in technology and an opportunity to answer questions and concerns involving all team members.

Stage 4: Optimization.
After the second academic period, the second nine weeks, the fourth optimization stage begins. The team has become accustomed to 4DX and is testing novel solutions to progress their WIG further. Teachers are now beginning to use technology based on the models and ideas presented in the different meetings, thus improving its use. Therefore, this is an excellent time to increase collaboration and encouragement on the variety of creative ideas that teachers are generating to implement and use technology in the implemented learning model. As teachers become more comfortable with4DX implementation and accept it, they will take responsibility for measurement. Any professor within the agreement may lead the WIG meeting each week. In addition, educators will extend the blended learning model by connecting with other teachers in different education systems or schools and pioneering the meeting themselves.

Stage 5: Habits.
Once the original WIG is achieved, teachers will continue to implement blended learning activities in class. Ideally, all students in all classes will benefit from a learning experience combined with Flipped rotations. They are free to explore their interests while developing language skills, cultural appreciation, and sensitivity that will allow learners to participate in global society actively. Using the 4DX model, the bilingual department will successfully achieve the WIG but will do so in a way that achieves the objectives, both individually and collectively, to train independent and autonomous students. These kinds of habits will be complemented by regularly celebrating our WIG achievement. It is also necessary to focus on learning in the middle of the average and look for their needs to give them better support and achieve their growth and better performance to significantly impact all those involved: teachers, support, and students.
The Influencer model and the 4DX model have various purposes. The two, nevertheless, work well together. The Influencer model concentrates on practices. 4DX keeps it straightforward with a more sincere way to deal with center around each or two objectives in turn to advance achievement. Having many such purposes can prompt goals to be misplaced in commotion. By utilizing instruments from the Influencer and 4DX models, I can consider educators responsible while advancing companion inspiration and change in the whirlwind. These models assist with giving rules to progress and opposition to building your odds of coming out on top when executing change inside your association. The 4DX model represents the practical approach. The vital behaviors in the Influencer model are reflected in the lead measures in the 4DX. The goal in the Influencer model directly reflects in the Wildly Important Goal of the 4DX. They complement each other; one is the theory, and the other is the practical application of that theory.
The Influencer Model is as it focuses on personal, social, and structural motivations and abilities. These influences certainly supplement 4DX as its comprehensive approach but do not specifically break down these influences. The Influencer Model addresses more psychological aspects of change and goal setting, while the 4DX approach focuses on the actual implementation and planning. Because of this, they must be used together, not in place of one another. To complete these goals successfully, we need psychological and emotional support and a logistical plan to carry it all out.
The Influencer Model and 4DX complement/ supplement each other
The 4 Disciplines of Execution by C. McChesney, S. covey, and J. huling. (2017, July 18). Retrieved October 9, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HKn49r3-Ko
The 4 Disciplines of Execution in a Nutshell. (2016, December 29). Retrieved October 9, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEJDliThj7g
4Dx-book. (2021, March 29). Retrieved October 9, 2021, from https://www.franklincovey.com/4dx-book/
Dwayne Harapnuik, Tilisa Thibodeaux & Cynthia Cummings Copyright (c). (2018). COVA 2 choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning (0.9 ed.).
Friedman’s theory of differentiated leadership made simple. (2010, November 10). Retrieved September 29, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgdcljNV-Ew
Harapnuik, D. (2018). COVA 2 choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning.
McChesney, C., Covey, S., & Huling, J. (2021). The 4 disciplines of execution: Revised and updated: Achieving your wildly important goals (Rev. ed.). London, UK: Simon & Schuster.
WIGs lag & lead measures. (2019, August 9). Retrieved October 5, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNjjCQhSxHE