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Effective Professional Learning

By Nelly Roldan 

   Teachers need the knowledge to transmit it to their students; that is why effective PL requires that tools pointed at helping students grow their knowledge. Furthermore, in these challenging times where closeness and coexistence are changing, due to COVID, people generally look for more independence, including students. For this reason, it is essential to seek a difference in our daily teaching, and the best way to reach our colleagues and give them the appropriate tools is through a PL. Then, I talked and asked my colleagues about what they like most and least about attending PL. I have concluded that all the teachers seek to innovate clearly and concisely, which does not represent more work since they all have many activities to do to add a few more. The teachers want radical changes to be implemented daily and help students achieve personal, intellectual, and social growth. So, it is necessary to make a good plan to attract teachers' attention who seek to apply new techniques and valuable tools to change their teaching method easily. An initial approach to attract their attention is to use Duarte's five rules in the initial PL presentation and then attract attention and continue to follow the PL presentation with interest. 

Professional Learning

The why


  I have always had a particular inclination for technology, and although my career was about laws, I stand out for the use of technology, and I always try to be up-to-date. However, now working as a teacher, I discovered that my inclinations for technology are similar to that of children who enjoy learning by playing; learners need activity and variety. In addition to my like for the order, this is all provided to me by technology since I can move from page to page but continue on the same topic or connect points to reach a conclusion, which I often could not do on paper or in class. So based on my own experience, I began to apply these techniques that I thought were the only ones I had experienced. Still teaching, I would help my students use technological resources for their benefit and growth.
   My primary motivation to start this plan are those children who fall behind in their classes and do not qualify for special education; they need different ways of modeling the course, more time, resources or to find a way of learning that suits them and not they have to adapt to a single form of education. Based on my experience in these years of teaching, children sometimes feel more comfortable working alone or with a partner or the teacher alone and not in the masterclasses. Other students want a little explanation and continue their learning.

The what

  The school leaders typically focus on students who need to upgrade their grades when displaying statistics. But they never bring a plan to support ALL the different groups of students. These plans are aimed at all students, and that is what I would like to change in the educational system of which I am part; Not all students are the same or learn, we all know that we create plans and resources for everyone, so you need to customize the education that is more according to the needs of each of the students; of course we can make groups but groups according to your needs. It does not seem fair to me what I have been able to appreciate in some classes that groups of children who are advanced with groups of children who are falling behind do.  Impair groups are unfair because those ahead do not continue to grow as they should and find the class boring since they know everything and must wait for those who come behind. Those who come behind need help according to their needs but not from peers. Still, from specialists like ICS who do not need to teach, only supervise and help guide these falling behind, it depends if it is due to lack of resources, new learning techniques, Indiscipline, or any other reason why they are falling behind should not affect those who are making excellent progress.

The How

    After some years of using antique ways to teach and thinking about how to help my students, or also using methods that are not the most appropriate for these times in which we live, I started this master DLL in which teachers teach, reading much text and watch videos helped me understand the different teaching models that I could use in my classes. However, I knew theories, but I did not experience changing them to modern ways. So I read and got knowledge about the different models and resources applicable today. My first approach to a current teaching model is reflected in my Innovation Proposal. I am presenting the main ideas of approaching Blended Learning to students falling behind in their classes. To read more about this plan, see the following link

The Why
The What
The How

Foster Colaboration

Bilingual teachers can meet and discuss the innovation plan process during conference time. They will have the opportunity through discussions to give contributions and, in general, mutual collaboration. All the content and valuable materials for the development of the plan will be available online in addition to having the opportunity to review the tools, content, and aids in general at your time and comfort.

Who Lead

I will help the teachers with the questions they may have about the use of different applications and tools with their students. Also depending on the abilities that each of the teachers has, they will be asked to be the leader of a group to help their colleagues.

Audience and needs

These tools and general content are available to assist bilingual teachers in achieving goals, depending on whether their students are at or falling behind. It will help them find the suitable activity and process to support their students and grow independently using technology using a Blended Learning system with flipping rotations. In their time, the bilingual teachers will receive support, participation, modeling in specific content and according to their needs. Teachers who need exceptional help due to their lack of knowledge in the use of technology will program extra help to grow their technical knowledge and appropriate use of the tools provided so that they feel safe when implementing them with their students. Teachers will need support in each of the specific areas of teaching, and for this, they will have engagement that the group leaders who are formed can provide them.

Professional Development Principle 1:


The duration of professional development must be significant and ongoing to allow time for teachers to learn a new strategy and grapple with the implementation problem.

Call to Action

Five Principal of PL
Call to Action

Process to get here


Getting here was a complex process, especially understanding that Professional Learning arises from the law. This becomes an essential practice for each of the people who are part of the educational system.


After reading articles and laws, I understood the purpose of PLs, so I began searching for how to present a PL to the school district.


It was fascinating to read and further enrich my knowledge about the school system. However, at times, I felt that I spent more time on the design and form of the plan than on the content itself. However, that design time, using new technological and educational tools fascinates me, and I feel part of a Blended Learning process.


In the end, I see the result of what I do and the knowledge I acquired was worth all the time spent.

English Japanese Dictionary


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