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DLL – Lamar University 

Dr. Susan Bedard - EDLD 5302

Dr. Dwayne Harapnuik - EDLD 5304


October – 15 –2021 

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Self-Assessment  - 95 

Key Contributions  


        These second eight weeks have been much more comfortable for me, after so many years without studying. I resumed my reading habit, and my stamina was activated. Reading the assigned books and analyzing videos has again generated my study habit, which I really like. These two classes EDLD 5302 and 5304 let me see a little in my deep being, I discovered that I have been a leader during my life; growing a family, in my work, in the fight to achieve my goals. I could also see my weaknesses, which I must begin to improve as it is knowing how to start a crucial conversation; manage my emotions which have always been difficult to handle, especially words since sometimes I speak without a filter. I liked the topics learned because they led me to understand more about the concept of leadership as a person and how to focus my project as a teacher. Seeing that my project can be implemented to guide others and help them establish better teaching methods fills me with satisfaction. 


            Since the beginning of the master's degree, I had a clear idea of personal progress, and until now it is happening in a brief time, and I will continue in the development modifying basic things to achieve my ideals. Thinking about collaborating with an educational community requires continuous improvement, motivating responsibility and support to develop individual objectives and subsequently reach the collective ones, that is, those of the school and the district. Participating in different work activities and being part of the change and progress of our students or members of the educational community is a great motivator 


          Learning Communities meet regularly and frequently during the workday to engage in collaborative professional learning to strengthen their practice and increase student outcomes. Members of the learning community are accountable to each other for achieving the school's shared goals and work in transparent and authentic environments that support their improvement. 

          DLL brought to life a group of lovely people such as my colleagues. I have not shared it with everyone. However, we have a group of friendly people who are always willing to collaborate and share their knowledge. I received your feedback in the discussions with great gratitude since it helped me train professionally and consolidate my academic concepts. Seeing how my portfolio grows, when I show it to my colleagues or family, and they give me their comments, it fulfills my expectations. It strengthens my wishes to continue developing my skills as a teacher. 

​         During the eight weeks, I read each assignment, watched the videos, and read the books. They were all quite understandable and easy to understand with an easy-to-understand vocabulary that finally enveloped me and led me to want to reach the end. 

​        Each of the assignments and jobs was done conscientiously, giving the best of me and my learnings. Deliver my discussions every week and provide feedback to my colleagues. Participated in a support group where we oriented towards each other, and it was beneficial. I fulfilled each assignment as the calendar reported and never asked for a postponement for any reason. I also complained about: 


Supporting Contributions 


         Took leadership responsibility in your base group and the course. Yes, my contribution was constant and in the best interest of my classmates and me. 

        I have contributed to your learning and the learning of your colleagues by participating in ALL activities. I constantly collaborate with Sabine  Mixon,  Gauri Misra, Kathryn, Tamara Ghazi, and Nadin Noman it mainly in our  Group Me in which we help each other and clarify our shares; I was an active part of this group, always providing my support and feedback. I shared feedback with my classmates in Group Me in both classes and worked in 5304 with Claudia Rios. 


Active contributions in the various course forums. 


  • I posted in a timely fashion so others can respond to your post. Yes, I made my contribution weekly. 

  • I postings reflect breadth and depth of thinking with research to support your thinking and are cited using APA. All my works met the APA standards, in addition to having references. 

  • Additional postings were made that did not require research but were to contribute to the learning. 


            Finally, my participation, contribution, and academic performance were in accordance with the requirements, and I did my best to get the best from my teachers, sharing with my classmates and giving feedback each time that is it necessary. 



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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