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Through these weeks studying the Master DLL and having Dr. Grogan as a teacher is a great experience. During these eight weeks have been asked to do a series of readings and watch some videos to later participate in discussions with classmates. I find these discussions fascinating, and I like to read the opinion of others since they generally broaden my knowledge or allow me to see where I am failing or what I can improve. However, I would like to be able to read better feedback from my colleagues, not that we all just tell each other how we want the design and a small comment on what has been said. Still, everything is always beautiful (of course, all the works are excellent), but I feel like we could have more discussion about the ideas and their application. This is more about each teacher as he manages his class or has it designed. I participated in all of these discussions and gave feedback to at least two of my colleagues.

We have a GroupMe in which we are 23 participants who daily give each other support in whatever is required, clarify doubts, and help each other. Generally, the feedback is with Vickey Espejo, Sabina Mixon, Amna Warach, and Kathryn Bright, who is always willing to help us develop the assigned work and others who permanently join the group.














The contributions I made in each of the discussions can also be seen on my portfolio blog













All my work, readings, and assignments, in general, were done on time and submitted on time.
Working on each assignment becomes a challenge since before working on developing these, I must read and see other works that luckily there are many, so I get my ideas from there. Maybe I was confused with the classes initially since the focus always confuses me if I should direct the development of these towards the students or towards the teachers to achieve my innovation plan and professional learning. It is my most repetitive question to whom I should focus, and then it becomes easy to carry out my works and give them shape. I am a person who prefers to work alone, so I only ask questions about my fundamental doubts.

I learned to do things by myself, and it is challenging for me to ask or depend on others, so one day I told Dr. H., each of my works has my essence, and I reflect it in my work.

What makes me proud of myself is that I make errors, but I  correct them.  I learn from this, and I always correct my work in the way I am asked to give the correct approach. So I feel more satisfaction working alone and reaching my achievements by myself and with the guidance of the teachers.

On the other hand, when I see a connection between my work, I am filled with more enthusiasm and try to apply what I learn daily. I have a group of excellent children who motivate me to learn and help them grow every day.


Reviewed all assignments and reflected on the reviews in this contribution to the learning activity. How is that?

Usually, I review my works before submitting them, and I consider it very important that they meet the requirements; however, after I am evaluated, I make suggestions for change or review issues that I should improve. (example, Dr. H asked me to read more to fit on a theory and that I did precisely) Therefore, I always do it to comply and because it is a way to correct my misconceptions.

Completed ALL course readings, videos, and support resources. How did you do this when managing your time between two classes, work, and home? Studying and working is not easy, but it can be done by organizing the time and having a calendar that is adhered to. I administered these eight weeks after arriving home at 4:30 p.m. I started studying at 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. - Mondays to review topics, watch videos and do recommended readings - Tuesday I attended Dr. Grogan and Dr. H classes - Wednesday I worked to prepare and submit a discussion requested by Dr. Grogan - Thursday and Friday I focused on assignments that had the closest date to present - Saturdays and Sundays I would finish the projects and in general give shape to the assignments. I always submitted my assignments in both classes on time.

Assumed leadership responsibility in the homegroup and the course. How is that? My leadership is shown by being punctual and attending my classes on time. In the groups that I am part of, I collaborate with whomever I can do it according to my knowledge.

As you think about your reflection, is there anything you could have done better? I always show and try to do my best, but I must keep improving my approach and mainly read or look for more resources other than those provided by the teachers.


Key Contributions


  1. Contributed to and helped build your core collaboration group.   

  2. Provided peer feedback to your core group members.

  3. Revised all assignments and reflected on revisions in this contribution to a learning activity.

  4. Completed ALL of the course readings, videos, and supporting resources.

  5. Met the various course activity deadlines indicated in the calendar.

Supporting Contributions

  1. Took leadership responsibility in your base group and the course.

  2. Contributed to your learning and the learning of your colleagues by participating in ALL activities.

  3. Active contributions in the various course forums.

    • You posted in a timely fashion so others can respond to your posting.

    • Your postings reflect breadth and depth of thinking with research to support your thinking and is cited using APA.

    • Additional postings were made that did not require research but were rather to contribute to the learning.

Nelly Roldan

M.Ed. DLL - Lamar University




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