Planning The Alternative PL
To cultivate healthy relationships with the audience, we need to build strategies that allow us to have a good relationship. This type of relationship requires empathy and harmony to achieve permanent and lasting development over time. Therefore we will start by applying the "5 key principles of effective PD".

Professional Learning Outline
Incorporating 5 principles to PL

Teachers' time is always short, so teachers need ongoing support, and the idea is to provide them with strategies and tools that make it easier for them to distribute their time in the best way for their benefit. Therefore, the time for each PL in my plan will be distributed by seasons of the year: Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.

During the implementation stage, the teachers will be able to implement the given strategies looking for the best modeling instruction classifying the needs of the students who are struggling with the process of low-achieving and high-achieving students. At the end of the season, they will provide feedback about the usefulness and continuity of the implemented method. In addition, this time will allow the formative and summative evaluations of the learners. The teacher may receive support whenever required by requesting it through Zoom in the schedule that the teacher has available. The teacher will receive support to implement and solve the specific challenges of changing classroom practice.

The initial exposure of teachers to a concept should not be passive. This plan will give two options to decide which is the most appropriate for teachers and the most suitable for their students. Therefore, it must involve teachers through varied approaches to actively understand a new practice using techniques according to our lives. When teachers find adequate support and feel that PL organizers are committed to the needs of the teachers and students, then indeed they will commit with great enthusiasm.

Showing the new implementation plan requires hands-on and actively showing how it will work with learners. I feel identified. With the recent research of (Miller, 2021) "Now is the time to enter the learning analytics field and make a difference in the education of current students and lifelong learners. To do so requires a solid foundational understanding of quantitative methods, combined with expertise in constructing, merging, managing, cleaning, and analyzing data using cutting-edge software and techniques". Teaching analytics looks at teaching design by looking at lesson plans and reflecting on their effectiveness for the student's learning experience. In addition, learning analytics collects and measures student data and looks at how you can refine the learning experience to make it more effective. This collected data will make it easier to determine the students who are falling behind and those in level to provide them with the necessary support and facilitate the work of the teachers.

The content will be specific to bilingual elementary school teachers. The content will support some anchor charts, videos, and instructional material that shows the content to be modeled clearly and step by step. Research that supports the implementation by following State, School District, and school standards.
Foster Colaboration
Bilingual teachers can meet and discuss the innovation plan process during conference time. They will have the opportunity through discussions to give contributions and, in general, mutual collaboration. All the content and valuable materials for the development of the plan will be available online in addition to having the opportunity to review the tools, content, and aids in general at your time and comfort.
Who Lead
I will help the teachers with the questions they may have about the use of different applications and tools with their students. Also depending on the abilities that each of the teachers has, they will be asked to be the leader of a group to help their colleagues.
Audience and needs
These tools and general content are available to assist bilingual teachers in achieving goals, depending on whether their students are at or falling behind. It will help them find the suitable activity and process to support their students and grow independently using technology using a Blended Learning system with flipping rotations. In their time, the bilingual teachers will receive support, participation, modeling in specific content and according to their needs. Teachers who need exceptional help due to their lack of knowledge in the use of technology will program extra help to grow their technical knowledge and appropriate use of the tools provided so that they feel safe when implementing them with their students. Teachers will need support in each of the specific areas of teaching, and for this, they will have engagement that the group leaders who are formed can provide them.
Professional Learning Plan
The implementation process started with effective professional learning, where I developed the why, what, and the how. Later, I worked on developing and understanding how the 5 Principles of Professional Learning are applied and ended this first part with a video Call To Action. The Second Planning PL Alternative Part of this process will use The 5 Principles of Professional Learning Scheme Create a PL, a 3 Column Table to develop the target audience for my professional learning course. In developing the asynchronous PL course, I was able to lay out a map by creating my timeline for PL pre-production from my plan outline. Finally, implement a blended learning plan.
A. (2020, September 2). What is “Content-Focused professional learning”? Peers and Pedagogy. https://achievethecore.org/peersandpedagogy/mean-content-focused-professional-learning/
Angela T. Barlow, Tasha M. Frick, Heather L. Barker, And Amy J. Phelps. (2014). Modeling instruction: The impact of professional development on instructional practices. Eric.Ed.Gov. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1034755.pdf
Innovation that sticks case study - OCSB: Collaborative professional development. (2016, May 19). YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUusuw-xdr4
Learning analytics - an overview | ScienceDirect topics. (2017). ScienceDirect. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/social-sciences/learning-analytics
Miller, K. (2021, March 23). What is learning analytics & how can it be used? Northeastern University Graduate Programs. https://www.northeastern.edu/graduate/blog/learning-analytics/