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Developing a Growth Mindset Plan
& Final Compilation

  • What other factors need to be considered if you wish to have an impact on the Growth Mindset?

Putting everything in the correct place lets us clarify and show how everything can fit in an ideal way. Now, considering about factors of Growth Mindset, it looks more according to that the beginning of the course when reading several texts and watching videos as the of Carol Dwek's then I star recognizing how the mind was working, and then I can understand my students' mind to finally use the correct ways and resources to help students as a supporting teacher; the first project that I show with my understanding was: Growth-Mindset-Plan.

After reading and watching videos, I can get a new perspective from my and students' mind; it is because I grow thinking people have skills for one or another, and it is that. (Always have doubted) Now my mind is more explicit about perspectives learning and how to use the different resources to teach and learn. Students in my classes learn to think by themselves and become independent thinkers. My focus area is on these students falling behind, and I find it very gracefully when making decisions by themselves.  

To support the new learning activities, we worked on our learning philosophy, which was complicated for me because through the course, I have considered that pigeonholing myself into a single theory is not appropriate; since it would fall into what is intended to change. However, Dr. H talked to me about the need to find a theory according to my beliefs and styles to teach my students. This is why I had to read more about each theory; looking for fit in one of these findings, I was reading Tony Bates, who said, "I am not an expert, and everything is almost unique for me." according to new research (Bates, 2019), new theories showing up will be more appropriate to focus on styles to teach with technology and informal digital of the digital age. As Tony Bates, I am on the way to focusing on a theory and will like to read about new theories that let me fit between one exactly. On the other hand, with the latest teaching styles, I may feel that everything around education is changing, including technology and informal digital learning. However, I think history is the way to learn about changing the future. In this case, I would like to fit myself in cognitivism, considering the human mind as a machine, with a mind as artificial intelligence. Mind, as a machine, sometimes works very well without problems. Sometimes is better than others, depending on the brand. All this depends on the genes and good use that the owner gives. 


  • How will you model the growth mindset and the message of "Yet" to your learners?

Thinking about the Growth mindset and theories, I can go back to all my thoughts. It is excellent to read and see such as drive more deeply all topics and concepts all is a process where even my mind is growing then I can help my students who are "YET" in the process to produce as wrote on my blog Creating a Culture of Helpfulness & Growth Mindset. Can understand the broad meanings of this work, "Yet" means being on the way to achieving something. In this case, it will be learning, but it is on the way; overcoming obstacles "yet" is improvising and accepting changes, assuming challenges. In addition to this, adopting the growth mindset changes the way to learn, and once adopting a growth mindset, get to the learners how to think differently; they have other skills, IQ, and characteristics to know to conclude that people are different and their way to growing their minds for this reason when we work teaching it is necessary to give personal attention to each student.


  • Consider how the growth mindset can change the acceptance of feedback and student's attitude toward cheating.

I think this cheating activity is historical in each person's life as an active part of a spectator, but some of this is always remembered at school. Cheating is due to the need of the students to obtain a degree to fit in the required standard. I believe that when students are persistent in cheating, they are creating and have been created with a lack of fundamental principles that must be followed and respected. For example, I had the experience doing a TELPAS-exam to one of my virtual students, and when I noticed that he was speaking, I asked him to put on the sound; at that moment, ALEXA began to speak and told him how the spelling of a word was like - I consider this to be very wrong for several aspects; under control of the home, absence of basic principles such as honor and respect. In virtual schools, cheating is a huge problem. I try to instill in my students a growth mind where I let them see and understand that they are capable of achieving what they set out to do without depending on the minds of others since, with effort and dedication, they can achieve the same or more. When you instill a growth mindset and let them see the consequences, children understand and stop, but much of that is due to example.


  • How can the growth mindset help limit some of your student's preoccupation with grades? What role does grit play?

All students are always concerned about grades; more us adults since that is how we were grown. With the mindset that success requires good grades. It is what society demands if you want to enter a job at the university etc. Society demands us to be under standards that have been set over time. I would very much like to change that concept, and I try to do so by talking to my students about the importance of learning, setting in their minds a growth mentality as autonomous students who learn for the fun of it; because it will be helpful later, but not for the grades. It is not easy since they come home and parents ask for grades no matter how they get them, then the cheating arises, and thus a cycle of lies and deceit themselves is formed. But, in the constancy is the triumph, so I will continue constantly motivating my students to learn not to obtain grades and wait for social change to come someday.


  • How can we prevent the growth mindset from becoming a fad or being improperly implemented? Consider how grit can be misused (Hint rigor)?

As I already said, perseverance will help achieve the true education of the growth mindset. We have many as alternatives or tools to teach, so each teacher must find the most appropriate for the times we live in and adapt them to her needs and those of her students. The constant should be to set a goal and keep applying everything learned, and we see it useful in the classrooms to help our students implement a growth mindset as a daily routine.


  • The growth mindset is a good start but is it enough?

The concept of sufficient can sometimes be misinterpreted, and I consider that we must apply the idea that nothing is adequate. In this case, it is; Teachers might think that a growth mindset is enough when students need to face more challenges and challenges in life. This is why the growth mindset must be accompanied by other factors to reach the desired potential. Aspects that require a positive outlook that meets the fundamental needs of each student to give a complete education to children, other aspects that can be linked to the growth mentality must be provided, such as resiliency, making them an active and not a passive part of their learning, self-control, looking for what they are passionate about and engagement.


  • How can we move our learners toward reigniting or adopting a Learner's Mindset?

Letting them act like students, be them, and show themselves as they are. Children learn what they see and assume customs that society and their families impose on them. I think that the naturalness of children should be allowed to give trying the minimum to ask for changes. I am an example for them. Every year I notice how my students look like me in many things that I do daily, which indicates that example and imitation (not cheating) is the best way to adopt the growth mindset in our students.



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