This project started with the simple idea of ​​fulfilling the academic requirements in my classes. However, as the days went by, I began to understand how important and valuable it was for my professional life. So I decided to read more on my own, and not just homework; I also concentrated my ideas on the reality of my students and classes. After this moment of recognizing strengths and weaknesses, I focused more on the proposal plan. I started to present an online-focused on helping students falling behind in their classes due to different circumstances—reflecting on the time that has elapsed since the beginning and what I have achieved in this M. Ed. leaves me with great satisfaction in addition to many insecurities overcome. I entered a world of research, analysis, and evaluation. To then start a proper implementation of my innovation plan, to achieve the objective, I had to read a large number of articles and documents, as well as books, which I condensed in Literature Review, making connections between the different texts and then looking for the application in the reality of the school for which I work. I understood that being a leader helps me concretize my ideas. I understood the appropriate way to implement my views as a leader, achieving consensus and accommodations that benefit all those affected but implementing my ideas clearly without leaving room for doubt. I was able to direct my projects to the students and the teachers, and part of the institution's directors, thus determining the needs of each part of the participants. My innovation strategy extends to both students and teachers since students in the classroom or anywhere can learn and develop their academic activities. Teachers can reach all our students and help them as facilitators to achieve their goals and objectives. My project has advanced considerably, and seeing that I am putting it into practice, seeing results, and making adequate modifications fills me with great satisfaction.
ADL M. Ed. is designed to manage a process that allows me to develop my ideas, capture experiences, and unify them on paper and in daily work practice. I cannot fail to mention that this Master has shown me exactly how to put the teachings into practice since it has been developed in the same way he teaches them. I have created the entire process by managing my own time and being the only one who determines how I learn and put the teachings into practice. Of course, it has required a lot of dedication and time and trial and error supported by a work team that contributes excellent ideas and much faith. Considering that the implementation is being done in an elementary school, it is necessary to explain to students how to develop it. Still, parents, families, and caregivers must be involved to understand the need to allow access to it a virtual world safely for students. It would be best if you made them know that we are growing up as a technological generation and that they must learn to be selective and have critical thinking.
The changes are complex for me, especially the implementation of blended learning; sometimes, I feel that modifications are complicated. I know something is missing or I need to change, but I don't know exactly what it requires. However, in this project, I have had a great team that has helped me determine what those small changes are necessary, and we are implementing changes. Therefore, this project has helped me understand that changes are good and allow me to improve and grow, and organizing materials and files are one of my most vital skills. We have used many materials and technological tools that I previously used as graphic design software, adding videos to innovation strategies instead of using the standard text format. As a result, we have audiovisual resources, media, and a wide range of other resources. However, when I am challenged to record myself and others for projects, I still struggle not because of the creation process but because I don't like to appear in videos.
Lessons we learn every day, but this year, I took the learning of the change, growing my mind and being willing to help my students to think and learn independently, creating a significant learning environment CSLE + COVA. They must face a growth mentality in all the moments of life and turn them into autonomous and independent people. So the satisfaction is double learning for my personal growth and being able to apply the teaching to my students. A growth mindset is a focused mindset. Collaboration is the second lesson I have learned in my research. As I already said, cooperating with my colleagues has been the greatest joy of my research project; They have helped me grow much further, being able to show my capabilities.
Finally, the most important lesson I have learned is to be autonomous in my learning. Read to understand, watch videos, and research independently without sticking to what a teacher might say but going further and doing additional research. There are various unique and fantastic ways to learn new talents and methods of doing things. I learned to use more technological tools as the need arose. I found a plethora of tools, among other things, that it's honestly hard to keep up with these days.
I plan to impart my development proposition through three distinct channels. The first is through a complete survey of my site. One weekend, I want to plunk down and go through each page of my professional development site. Without pondering it, I'm accepting there are a few inconsistencies to a great extent. I might want to address those disparities for a more detailed and engaging page. I also need to look at the twofold that all the document names and areas compare to where I believe they should be. Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive host a significant number of my assets. Since I will never again approach OneDrive after I graduate, I want to confirm that all assets are open through Google Drive.
The video medium is the subsequent choice with a portion of the clips previously made and incorporated into my page; I mean to make others that represent critical parts of my advancement system in extraordinary profundity. Finally, I produce these informative recordings that develop the advantages of my advancement plan; this will be the directing inquiry.
Additionally, introducing my advancement methodology and philosophy to potential partners will require investigating where I need to apply it. For example, if I begin working at another school, I should meet my new head, senior member, and appraiser. All of these individuals have a stake in the undertaking, and I believe they should comprehend my vision for the program and how we can help their youngsters and the school. To put it plainly, the last area of correspondence is likewise the most significant because my partners will be the ones concluding whether the execution can begin.
I would start with the initial step. Begin with a thought that would change the instructive climate, do the analysis to back it up, and start planning what you need to do afterward. Assuming this year has shown me anything, expecting change and development is craftsmanship. It is the case that the absolute most huge occasions happened out of the blue. Notwithstanding, rolling out long-term improvement requires knowledge, understanding, sympathy, and profound examination of who and what you need to change. I would have incorporated what I had realized by making a proposition, directing the research, and afterward introducing my findings to my partners.