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Learning Philosophy

"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." –Confucius.

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My Beliefs about learning, I consider times are changing, and people need to renew according to the needs and styles of life. I believe that people are different even in the same family, even being twins. These differences are the points to start talking about my learning philosophy since I considerer each student has their way of learning, and I can help find the path. Thus, stimulating to learn and providing a suitable environment to the learners. Learners need to grow their minds, physical and emotional. Therefore, creating the desired environment for them will be the first need to cover. 


I believe that as a teacher, it is necessary to encourage students to mastery the areas that I will be teaching and transmit the correct information, putting most of the knowledge I am getting for my own growth and encouraging my students, and conveying the correct information, putting most of the knowledge that I am gaining for my own growth and theirs—encouraging my students to stay in a continuously learning for life and showing them how each new understanding can bring a benefit in their daily life. 


Beliefs about the relationship between teaching and learning are very close and make me think of "many things" that I learned throughout my student life, especially in high school; I still do not use any of these. Many of those teachings were mandatory. Beliefs about myself as an apprentice during my academic life I did not have much motivation, and because of the classes imposed, I felt that it was not what I was looking for. So now I understand my students when they get frustrated, and I try to give them new opportunities. The main objective is to change the way of learning by motivating students to learn because they like what they know and feel that it will be helpful for their future life. I hope my students think that creativity and fun are part of learning, and each thing learned will bring them a benefit.  


The learning and teaching relationship is mutual; if they feel happy and enjoy what they do, the relationship will be adequate, and students and teachers will surely achieve the goal. I hope my students think that learning is the best way to reach their goals. Therefore, showing them enthusiasm as a facilitator is a task that excites me every day.      
In a classroom where I can spend most of the day with the students, there is much that they can learn from me as a teacher, not only in an academic context. Students can learn to be responsible, be critical, show creativity, ask questions and communicate in a friendly but very responsible way to not feel shy when interacting in class.


Beliefs on the difference between a learning philosophy vs a teaching philosophy. This terminology describes a teaching and learning relationship whereby the educator is also learning from the student. It is foundations on the principle of reciprocity between teacher and learner. It understands that teaching and learning cannot separate; both parties bring knowledge of their learning experiences and interactions together, and through them, shared learning experiences and understandings are created. Educational research supports this powerful concept, showing that when teachers facilitate reciprocal teaching and learning roles within their classrooms, student achievement improves (Online Teaching Placement during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Chile: Challenges and Opportunities, 2021). 


These are some means by learning; how to become in successful learning in a different contexts to know what constitutes "learning" or "mastery" in your discipline while teaching is more about values, beliefs, and aspirations as a teacher. The teacher can encourage mastery, competency, transformational learning, lifelong learning, general transference of skills, critical thinking, beliefs realized in classroom activities.  You may discuss course materials, lesson plans, activities, assignments, and assessment instruments. Teachers often think that only the academic part is necessary, forgetting our students' sensitive and personal interests. Although time is so limited, I can dedicate time a day or a week to interact with them, letting them be as they feel more comfortable, which motivates them to enjoy being at school and in my class. 


As I have explained in my Learning manifesto digital learning is becoming the way to teach in this modern and different time; our students' thoughts are changing, and teaching methods need to be improved and changed. Therefore, we will give CHOICE to our students with the freedom to organize and make decisions to learn.   The Master in DLL allows me to know and apply innovative methods such as the CSLE+COVA framework, which helps me enhance and transform learning. Therefore, I will give my students new opportunities, considering that life has many challenges. Hence, learners need to develop their human potential and direct that potential to master several facts and concepts to apply them in real contexts later. So, students are allowed to choose their way of learning, and then they will have OWNERSHIP. When learners feel that they are owners of their knowledge and they are sure of themselves, so they can be able to show their VOICE and apply all the information and potential that developed through an AUTHENTIC learning experience in which they have grown their mind with innovative methods that will lead them to be successful. 


The possibilities and strategies are many; it all depends on my students. I usually like to present the topic I want to develop with them using traditional instructional strategies. I consider the benefits that this teaching can bring to my students, and I always present to them the idea of ​​why it is good to learn the subject and how they can use it in their current or future life; I really like how my students always manage to make clear and very accurate inferences according to their age but focused on the reality of life. Through the years with my students, I have learned that they always bring a lot to say and do.


Learners need my guidance and help them focus on developing and understanding the issues. A few times, it has happened to me that I explain to them how to use technology programs such as PowerPoint and Google Slides.


I see them take shortcuts and do the activities faster than I was doing, and I must ask them, "how did you do it" to which they naturally respond that they only know to touch or just knew it from some game they have. Learners always surprise me with their agility and ability to use technology.  We are looking for changes in education and modeling new forms, of course; these theories are the basis, roots for a new application and shaping a correct and modern way of teaching and helping our students grow independently and autonomously. Therefore, my concept about the five theories is:















The theory of behaviorism in psychology is an attempt to model the study of human behavior. Therefore, focus attention on the behavior that observation and measurement drive.  This concept identifies my constant work to understand the behavior of students in my classes. As I can help you find the best way to learn and drive your behavior and goals.  If I am teaching mathematics, I consider it essential to lean towards a theory Cognitivism that helps my students develop rules, principles, and processes in a uniform and orderly way that allows them to process new information. I also feel identified with the recent research of (Miller, 2021) "Now is the time to enter the learning analytics field and make a difference in the education of current students and lifelong learners. To do so requires a solid foundational understanding of quantitative methods, combined with expertise in constructing, merging, managing, cleaning, and analyzing data using cutting-edge software and techniques".   Teaching analytics looks at teaching design by looking at lesson plans and reflecting on their effectiveness for the student's learning experience. In addition, learning analytics collects and measures student data and looks at how you can refine the learning experience to make it more effective. This collected data will make it easier to determine the students who are falling behind and those in level to provide them with the necessary support and facilitate the work of the teachers.  I have also read about is one of the most extensive teaching theories that I can use in my classrooms to motivate and generate enough useful tools for my students; who need my guidance to find the appropriate resource in each step of their learning and personal formation, the constructivism has:


  • Knowledge is constructed. 

  • People learn to learn as they learn. 

  • Learning is an active process. 

  • Learning is a social activity. 

  • Learning is contextual. 

  • Knowledge is personal. 

  • Learning exists in the mind. 

  • Motivation is key to learning.


Connectivims theory supports helping students understand the idea of connecting the dots; there is always a connection between thoughts and, in general, everything in life has a logical connection. So they are not just learning in isolation.  In the middle of my readings, I have interpreted that each one of the theories that we find gives me the possibility of approaching themes and concepts with my students in different ways and methods; however, I consider that pigeonholing myself into a single theory is not exact since it would fall into what is intended to change.

Finally, to see my strengths and weaknesses, I ask for feedback from my colleagues; I take my students into account when they make requests or comments; I also maintain constant communication with parents and ask for their comments to improve my classes and achieve my own goals.




  • CSLE+COVA. (2021, January 14). It's About Learning. Retrieved July 7, 2021, from    it can enhance and transform learning, you need to see the broader perspective of creating a significant learning environment (CSLE) in which we give the learner choice ownership and voice through authentic learning opportunities (COVA).

  • Haave, N., PhD. (2015, October 23). Developing Students' Learning Philosophies. Faculty Focus | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning.  interested in developing a structure that would enable us to determine how well our students were learning Augustana’s core skill requirements (writing, speaking, critical thinking, and information literacy).

  • (2019, February 20). Dwayne Harapnuik's Learning Philosophy.Harapnuik.Org.   learning philosophy represents several decades of evaluation, analysis, and synthesis and is better understood in the context of the Dr. Harapnuik. 

  • (2021). Educational Development Philosophy. It's About Learning.  My Educational Development Philosophy is an extension of my Learning Philosophy with the addition of a greater emphasis on leading by example.

  • Bates, T. (2019, March 18). Learning theories and online learning | Tony Bates. Tony Bates |.   Chapter 3 of my open textbook on ‘Teaching in a Digital Age‘ is about theory and practice in teaching for a digital age, which I am still in the process of writing.

  • Online teaching placement during the COVID-19 pandemic in chile: Challenges and opportunities. (2021). Taylor & Francis.


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