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Clarifying the Problem

My innovation plan has been focused to help bilingual students who are behind and need to grow in different circumstances as they learn academic topics in two languages. After reading and learning more about Blended Learning and Station Rotations models can find a better focus of my action research. I can now use all my learning to reflect on it in my planning time to implement fun and personalized stations that allow me to help my students in their needs.

According to the research, "Blended Learning is predicted to grow significantly in the future and play a more essential role than online learning (Mubayrik, 2018)." My research topic is based on implementing Blended Learning at five-station rotations; three of these with technology (e.g., Raz-Kids, IStation, Education Galaxy) and two without technology.

The study pursues to get data about how technology can influence and help students' interest in learning and their language preference. So then, drive my planning time to help my behind students focus on their needs. The fundamental question is how can Blended Learning Station Rotation time be more effective to bilingual students? It will allow everybody to see inside my second classroom, and my colleagues can know how this model works based on my experience. If the Action Research is not well developed, it will give inaccurate results. I will use a qualitative approach through the research process, but it will end with a test to get data on a quantitative approach.

Qualitative and quantitative are appropriate for different cases, not precisely one better than others. In more cases, collected data will be mixed. I will collect data with field notes, journals, and interviews to end with a test. The idea of collecting data in Action Research is to reach a goal to make things better or make corrections when necessary because something is not working correctly.

Nelly Roldan


Mertler, M. C. (2019). Action Research: Improving Schools and Empowering Educators eBook : Mertler, Craig A.: Kindle Store. Retrieved from

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