Just as chalk, blackboard, and books were once a significant impact to learn, at this time, the tremendous impact is technology. Therefore the main objective that I would like to implement concerning technology is to link technological solutions with the teaching methodology. Technology implies new roles in education, acquiring new skills and abilities for teachers and learners. The learner becomes the builder of their learning, and the teachers become the students' guide during the process.

Through reading Dweck's book and the videos, I define myself as a fixed mindset person who, through my resilience and constant work, I reach and continue in the search to fit more and more into a growth mindset every day. This is a constant growth; for example, when I tell myself I no longer study, I canceled, and I want to stop, but finally, I end up involved in a new project, and no matter how difficult it is or any stumbling blocks I find, I finish it. It is not easy fighting against oneself, but neither is it impossible. My fear of failure has led me many times to think and rethink starting projects, but I have finally started them, and I do not regret it even if not all have finished in the best way. I am happy because I tried!

Reaching personal objectives and goals, the "what," "how, and why" have an equal importance level since if any of these components are missing, the objective may fail considering each one tells us how to reach the end of the goal. Therefore, consider it vital to develop the use of each of the components of UDL Levey, S., according to new research (2021). Schantz. Talk about seven (7) principles of the Universal Design and the said that “evaluate existing designs, guide the design process, and educate both designers and consumers about the characteristics of more usable products and environments.” to achieve the proposed goals with which I fully agree since it is necessary to involve all parts of the process and create a dynamic design that allows inclusion. It is easy to get distracted by objectives, but it may be easier to achieve if we set a clear path and goals.
Nelly Roldan