Nelly Roldan
EDLD 5305 Disruptive Innovation in Technology
Following videos about Disruptive Innovation
Life is in continuo moving!

When you aim to renovate something, you face a big challenge because you need to disrupt something old with something better in quality and affordable; when you cause a disruption, it will become good enough to get it with exciting aptitude. Each day learners have more opportunities to master their classroom activities, and when including technology in these activities, it will be possible to get more quality for less expensive. However, the magistral classes need renovation because learners are looking for new experiences; daily life is changing. Ten years ago, the mindset of young learners was quite different from now, and now, you can see a meaningful change and requirements from them. It is not necessary only the change to guarantee that learning will be competency-based. Educators need to trust and be confidents with the difference and find the benefits that it will bring. Talking about disrupting in universities is not easy but possible.
On the other hand, Dr. Horn gave an extensive list of obstacles people face in different circumstances, such as disaster preparedness examples as floods or with the pandemic that produced change through the word that motives the use of technology in all our lives. Despite the obstacles, the Blended online learning into the classroom is the opportunity to become learners in the center of the options around the world; the best way will be to start with the best but simple things.
At this point, I am wondering what the best thing is? How will I know it? Next, four rotation models will permit drive the classes; each has several aspects of forwarding diverse types of learners.
Some of this is the Station-rotation model: used at elementary schools, which permits a most significant way of blending into a formal education program with at least one part online that led the learners handed their time, way to learn, and place. This model is very used in my scholar district Katy ISD where we have at least four rotations in each class, but it is not during the whole course; this takes only twenty or thirty minutes for the four stations. I enjoy this time because, as a teacher have time to work with a small group, and I can see who is struggling with the topic or some part of it. However, I would like to have a better hand with the rest of the class because my other learners, as the early finishers, will be out of the activities. But, definitely, "Blended using disruptive innovation to improve schools" is giving me a vast horizon and answer to my questions. This is a first step to implement what is really blended Learning and this is that students have control over time, place, path and form and to learn meanwhile this is a rich and wide use of technology.
Then, we can present a disruptive innovation in education to enable learners to a new adventure where educators transform the narrative classroom into innovative ideas. Although this change is not easy, concepts such as "all children at the same age will learn the same"; are out of context since those children have different learning styles and mindsets and take more or less time to learn a topic.
Blended learning is a regular education program in which students learn at least one part of the delivery instruction form online. In this step, the idea comes up of taking control, places, path, or pace all this away from home. It is essential to think about the age of the students, for such reason figure out novelty activities. Some suggestions from the panelists in the watched videos suggest using work models, such as station rotation, which includes individualized online instruction - teacher-led instruction and collaborative activities.
Finally, Mr. Ken Robinson, with his fun way of expressing concepts, makes it truly clear that primarily doing any activity, whatever it is, should be enjoyed transmitting this to those around us, in this case to our students. On the other hand, he tells us about the transformation of education, which is a challenge since the system users are like slaves and accepting changes will not be easy. But we must free ourselves and assume that differences are immense and necessary since they bring renewal. We must stop using only a linear concept and move to use a new and better system that brings opportunities and change.